How Do you Know If a Wig is Pre-Plucked?
A pre-plucked wig has a less dense hairline with some hairs removed to create a natural edge. You can check product descriptions or reviews, or visually inspect the wig to see if the hairline is thinner.
Why bleach knots On Wigs?
The knots on bleach wigs are meant to give the wig a natural look. Knots are where the hair is tied to the lace and they can appear dark and visible on the scalp. Bleaching lightens these knots so they blend seamlessly with your skin tone and give the illusion that the hair is growing directly from the scalp.
Do Lace Front Wigs Look Fake?
When properly fitted and customized, lace front wigs do not look fake. Choosing a wig with a natural hairline (pre-plucked), bleached knots and proper density (not too thick) can make it look very realistic. Blending in properly with your skin tone and style also helps.
Why Are Full Lace Wigs So Expensive?
Full lace wigs are expensive because they are made entirely of lace and each strand is hand-tied to the bottom. This process is time-consuming. In addition, full lace wigs offer more styling versatility and a more natural look, which adds to their cost.