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Why Do Orthodox Jewish Women Wear Wigs?

The practice of Orthodox Jewish women wearing wigs, known as “sheitels”, has its roots in religious tradition and cultural interpretations of modesty. The practice has evolved over time, reflecting the observance of Jewish law and personal expression. In our blog today we will explore the reasons behind this practice, its implications, and explore them.

1. Why do Orthodox Jewish women wear wigs?

In Jewish tradition, married women are expected to cover their hair as a sign of modesty and marital status. This practice stems from the interpretation of Biblical texts, particularly the Torah and Talmud, which emphasize the importance of tzniut (modesty). Covering one's hair is a declaration that a woman is married and therefore does not attract public attention. Jewish women wear wigs Historically, various forms of hair coverings have been used, including scarves (tichel) and hats. The introduction of the wig as a hair covering became more common in the 18th century, especially among the German-Jewish communities of Eastern Europe. This shift was influenced by practical considerations, as wigs allowed women to maintain a fashionable appearance while observing the laws of modesty.

2. What are the different types of wigs worn by Orthodox Jewish women?

Orthodox Jewish women wear a variety of wigs (called “sheitels”) to cover their hair after marriage. While there are some common styles, there are a variety of options. Here are some of the main types of wigs worn by Orthodox Jewish women:


1 Sheitel

Traditional short Bob styles with bangs that were common in the past.

Modern styles that are more in line with current fashion trends.

Can be made from processed or unprocessed human hair of various textures. Currently on the market with front lace and full lace options that are lighter and more breathable.


2 Waterfall

Another common wig style.

Covers the hair while revealing some natural hair.   Snoods

3 Snoods

A type of hair cover that looks like a bag and allows hair to fall behind it.

Very comfortable, but not suitable for public wear. Tichels/scarves

4 Tichels/scarves

Some Orthodox women choose to cover their hair with a scarf or headdress rather than a wig.

While there may be trends or community standards that influence wig styles, Orthodox women have a wide range of options available to them based on personal preference and the requirements of their particular community.

3. What are the latest trends in wig colors and styles for Orthodox Jewish women?

Orthodox Jewish women's wig

Trends in Orthodox Jewish women's wig colors and styles have changed significantly, reflecting a blend of tradition and modern fashion. Here are some of the latest trends:

1 Fashion-forward cuts:

Modern hair styles now include a variety of popular styles, such as messy high-neck cuts and layered cuts, which are more in line with current fashion trends than the traditional short bob with bangs. This shift allows women to express their personal style while adhering to the requirements of modesty.

2 Natural Texture:

Many orthodox women opt for wigs that mimic the texture of their natural hair. This includes soft waves and curls that provide a more realistic look, making the wig look less contrived and more like the wearer's natural hair.

3 Frontal lace wigs and full lace wigs:

These types of wigs are becoming increasingly popular due to their lightness and breathability, providing comfort for all-day wear. They also offer a more natural hairline look, which is attractive to many women.

4. Are there any specific occasions or events that drive the demand for wigs?

There are specific occasions and events that drive the demand for certain wig styles among Orthodox Jewish women: Bridal celebrations

Bridal celebrations and formal events

Bridal celebrations, parties and formal gatherings have a high demand for high quality human hair wigs.

These special occasions require a natural and attractive look, and human hair wigs can provide this. Cultural Festivals

Cultural Festivals and Celebrations

Incorporating wigs into cultural festivals and celebrations is critical to driving seasonal demand.

Wigs are increasingly recognized as a form of self-expression during festivals and celebrations, leading to a surge in demand as customers seek unique designs for these special events. Bridal Beauty Industry

Bridal Beauty Industry

In India, the bridal beauty industry is a huge contributor to the demand for wigs. Wigs and hair extensions are becoming increasingly popular in bridal makeup kits, offering a wide range of style options for women's traditional ceremonies.

Bridal makeup artists and beauty salons are partnering with wig companies to expand their market reach.

In conclusion, major life events such as weddings and cultural celebrations are key drivers of demand for stylish and high-quality wigs for Orthodox Jewish women.


The latest trends in wig colors and styles for Orthodox Jewish women reflect a dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity. Finding ways to express individuality while adhering to cultural and religious practices. As the wig industry continues to evolve, it offers Orthodox Jewish women the opportunity to embrace their identity with confidence and style.

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