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Virgin Indian Hair VS. Indian Remy Hair: What's the Difference?

What does Virgin and Remy mean?

Virgin hair refers to hair that is completely unprocessed and intact. To qualify as virgin hair, it must meet rigorous standards including: not been permed, dyed, colored, bleached and chemically processed in any way.

Remy hair is hair which when harvested keeps the orientation of the tips and roots in the same direction. This has less tendency to tangle as the scales of the cuticles are all lying in the same direction. Remy hair could be virgin, Indian, Chinese, in fact it could be any type of hair.

Virgin Hair - Untouched, raw hair.  It’s not been bleached, permed, dyed, processed, or chemically altered.

Remy Hair - Human Hair collected directly from a hair donor with the cuticle still intact.

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With virgin Indian hair, you have to care for it just like your own natural hair.If you maintain your virgin Indian hair extensions properly using the indian hair oil and products like normal hair, you will have long lasting sleek, smooth, tangle free-natural looking hair and you will be able the reuse the hair many times after.

Indian remy hair is achieved when the cuticles are still intact and not stripped, and most importantly it's bundled so that the cuticle lays in the same direction from the time the hair is cut from the donor. 

What is virgin remy indian hair?

It’s unprocessed and untreated Indian hair, with all cuticles intact and in one direction, The first rule to remember is that remy hair does not always mean virgin hair.  Although the two terms are often used together, they are completely different in meaning. 

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Where do we get the best virgin remy indian hair?

Virgin remy indian hair is naturally dark in color and its thickness varies between fine to medium. Due to this reason Indian hair blends seamlessly with both Caucasian and ethnic textures. Indian hair is also very versatile. In its natural form it comes in light wavy to deep curly textures. However, it can be easily flat ironed to sleek straight look as well. If you are looking for versatile, natural texture with beautiful bounce and fullness, virgin remy indian hair is the way to go. It can also be easily color-lifted to indian with blonde hair color and lighter tones. This is why virgin remy indian hair is the most sought after hair by the extension lovers.

Forget about what’s virgin and remy, and concentrate on attaining quality hair for yourself or for your clients. 

At,an indian hair suppliers ,we specialize in 100% virgin remy indian hair, which comes directly from donors of temples in India. Our hair is ethically sourced, processed very gently and crafted to last.

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