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Low Density Wigs- Do You Really Know Them?

As more and more people like to wear wigs, there are more and more choices of wigs. The density of the wig is a factor that must be paid attention to when purchasing, because high-density and low-density wig will show completely different effects. But do you know what a low-density wig is?

Next, we will explore human hair low density wigs and its differences from high density wigs. I believe this article will be of great help to you in choosing a wig.

1.What is a low density wig?

wig density

We all know that there are many kinds of density of wigs on the market, ranging from 120%-200%. Some factories even have 250% density wigs to meet the needs of customers. But how to distinguish between high and low density? Generally, wigs with density below 120% is called low-density wig while density above 150% is called high-density wig.

A wig with a density of 120% or 130% is called average density or natural density. But everyone has different preferences for the density of wig, so their views on density may also be different. For those who like dense hair, 130% density can also be a bit thin.

2.Low Density VS High Density, Which to Choose?

If you don’t know which one to choose, let’s find out what differences lie between low density vs high density wigs.

Overlook. The difference in overlook is the most obvious. A high-density wig will look thick and full, while a low-density headgear will have a natural or thin look.

different density wig

Breathability. The higher the density of the wig is, the more hair is tied into it, so high-density wigs are often not as breathable as low-density wigs.

Price. Price is also a relatively obvious difference between the two. The higher the density of the wig, the more expensive it will be.

Weight. Wigs with different densities will also have a big difference in weight. For example, a 150% density 20 inch human hair wig is about 220g while 200% hair is 255g with the same length.


3.Who suit for low density wigs?

Girls with low budget. As what we have mentioned above, the high-density wig will be more expensive than low density hair, so you can choose the low density human hair wigs if you want to try a new wig but don’t have enough budget.

Girls with very thick natural hair. Why do I advice people with very thick natural hair to try low density wig? If your natural hair is very full and you wear a very heavy wig, your scalp will be very hot and humid.

People don’t like heavy hair. If you want lightweight wig, low density lace front wigs will be your top choice. Because it’s easy to style and lightweight.

Girls with thin natural hair. For girls who are suffering hair loss problem or natural hair is very thin, I recommend to try low density wig with human hair. It can not create a very thick look, but the hair volume is still more than the natural hair and it looks more realistic.


A wig with the appropriate density will make your overall look more perfect. Now we have understood what the low density wig is, who is suitable for it, and the difference between it and high-density wigs. Do you know what density wig suit you best?

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