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The Best Virgin Human Hair / Klaiyi Hair

Klaiyi Hair is a vibrant China business, striving to provide excellent and affordable hair for today’s busy woman. Hair is such an important part of how Black women show up in the world and we wanted to equip you with the power of versatility. We love to see you shine naturally, but we know that from time to time, you might want to switch things up. So we've got you covered with various hairstyles...

Malaysian human hair

Lace Front Body Wave Human Hair Wig

 Lace Front Body Wave Human Hair Wig

Malaysian hair has become very popular especially amongst international and South African celebrities. Malaysian hair at first can appear excessively shiny but after the first 2 or 3 times washes, the shine will become more natural.

The curls of Malaysian curly hair do not drop or loosen but will maintain its original form for the rest of the day after you wearing it. Because of its heavy density curls will last all day with no added product needed.

 If you like the super volume styles with not having to use so much hair, Malaysian hair is a good option to choose from. And because it’s denser, it does tend to hold a lot more of proteins and the natural oils in it, especially if you’re getting virgin hair. So that it’s going to last a little bit longer.

Brazilian human hair

Virgin Brazilian human hair is the favorite hair type among the kind of hair weaves. Brazilian hair is well welcomed for its softness, durability, and thickness. Brazilian hair is extremely luxurious and very soft with a lot of bodies and natural shine.

The hair is very full and thick. But while being full and dense, it still moves and flows easily. Our Brazilian weaves are very soft, thick, and durable. Body wave Brazilian hair is the most common example of this type of hair.

Because of its light texture, Brazilian hair is very flexible and also easy to maintain. Your Brazilian hair can last a long time if you care for it properly.

7A Grade Peruvian Curly Hair 

 7A Grade Peruvian Curly Hair

Peruvian human hair

Peruvian hair is one of the softest and most lightweight styles on the market. This hair is extremely durable and versatile. Peruvian hair weave is thick and slightly wavy. The hair is lightweight, but provides more volume and looks very natural.

Peruvian virgin hair is a little thicker and coarser than Brazilian hair in texture and blends well in normal relaxed hair textures on African-American women.

Indian human hair

Indian hair is versatile, naturally silky and lustrous – and blends well with African American hair. The hair is very light, airy, full of bounce and easy to style. It can be obtained in multiple textures – such as straight, wavy or curly, and does not need to undergo harsh chemical treatments to attain a particular style. If you are looking for a natural wave style then this is the hair for you. Indian hair is also very popular because it does not tangle, shed easily or lose its natural wavy look.

If you need coarser and thicker hair, then Peruvian hair is the best choice for you. If you want shiny, wavy and soft hair, Malaysian hair is the best for you.  

If you need hair that is thicker and coarser, then Brazilian hair is best for you. If you’re in the need for soft and wavy hair, Indian hair is the best for you.


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