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How To Take Care Of Malaysian Curly Hair Weave?

Malaysian curly hair is one of the most beautiful hair, and it can blend well with any hair. 100% virgin Malaysian hair weave is thick, soft, silky and lustrous in texture, no smell, no shedding, and tangle-free. Malaysian human hair has its own advantages, it has an extremely luxurious feel. Do you know how to care for your Malaysian curly hair bundles? With proper care, we can make it last long time beauty; it can curl a long time.

What is Malaysian Curly Hair Weave?

7A Grade Malaysian Virgin Curly Hair

Malaysian curly hair is very popular for African American women due to its thickness, shinny texture, natural-looking, beautiful and long-lasting curl pattern. Malaysian hair is naturally healthy and shiny and has a silky texture. Malaysian hair has a softer and silkier texture.

The curls of Malaysian curly hair do not drop or loosen but will maintain its original form for the rest of the day after you wearing it. The Malaysian hair extension is so popular amongst women because it lasts for a long period of time. In proper care, it will last for one full year.

How To Take Care Of Malaysian Curly Hair Weave?


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Comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb gently. Never start to brush it from the hair roots, it can cause both pain and breakage. combing your hair from the ends and work your way up to your roots. Another way to remove tangles is to use your fingers as opposed to brushes as the tangles. 


Before you wash your Malaysian curly hair weave, you should make sure it is free-flowing and free-tangle. Use warm water to wet your hair, Apply a quality shampoo. Wash your body wave hair weave from the top down while gently working the shampoo into the strands. Gently massage it into your scalp, hair, and hairpieces. Rinse the weave, and then squeeze the water from it. Apply a quality moisture-rich conditioner, massage it into the hair with the same downward motion. Leave the conditioner in your curly hair at least 1 min. Then rinse the hair.

Dry Your Hair

To prevent dryness or frizz after wetting or washing, let the curly hair weave dry naturally. Do not blow it dry.  Lay the weave out on part of the towel and pat it dry with the part it isn’t laying on. Then, leave the weave on the towel until it’s completely dry to the touch.

How often should you wash your curly hair?

Shampooing is not good for curly hair, whether you use which shampoo band. Each wash will cause some wear and tear to your hair weave. You can wash your wig every 2-3 weeks. It is suggested that you can buy two wigs and rotate them to extend the life of the wigs.




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