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June 20, 2017brazilian curly hair
Hair Care
Step 1: Put the hair into the warm water and rinse it.
Step 2: Apply some shampoo and wash the hair. Remember use your fingers to comb the hair or use the wide-tooth comb to comb the hair.
Step 3: Rinse the shampoo well.
Step 4: Apply some conditioner on the hair and then conditions it about 20 minutes.
Step 5: Rinse the conditioner well and roll the hair with towel or old T-shirt to loose the water.
Step 6: Use the moisture or oil to keep the hair from dryness. Don't put the hair under the sunshine and dry it with the natural air.
NOTE: Don't use the shampoo for curly hair so often. Deep condition the curly hair well. You can use Elastin and oil to keep the curly hair bouncy.
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