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Bob Wig,Why Choose It?

Whether trying out a new wig style to match your face shape or looking for a fresh, vibrant look that's hairstyle versatile and won't look dated, that's the elegant bob wig! What exactly is a bob wig? And why is it popular?

A bob wig can be curly, straight, ombre, or highlighted. It is not only an all-matching hairstyle but also a versatile, minimal-care style. Let's get right to the point and find out.

1 What is a bob wig?

Background. Historically, the bob was a short wig, usually worn in the English court. Now it is widely known among consumers of all ages around the world. It is classic hair with a unique style, designed specifically for consumers who prefer short hair.

Appearance. Bob wigs can be curly, sleek, flattering, and straight. Regarding its structure, this hair type is available in lace wigs, full lace wigs, non-lace wigs, and U-part wigs.

Length. The first thing is the length of the hair. The hair length of bob wigs is shorter than the average hair length and longer than the buzz cut or pixie style. Typically, the length range for this style is between 8-14 inches. In addition, bob wigs that range in length between 8-10 inches are short, while wigs that range from 12-14 inches are considered long bob wigs.

Cut. Typically, bob wigs are cut in a straight line at the base of the hair. The length of the hair is not on the same level except in the front and back. The hair at the back of the neck is always significantly shorter than the front of the wig. Both the front and back hair ends are on the same horizontal line.

    2 The 7 characteristics of bob wigs

    Here are seven characteristics of bob wigs.

    Style. With a bob wig, you can easily make a new look that is simple and effective. This feature makes it easy for you to quickly change the length of your hair if you want short wavy hair or a long bob hairstyle. This feature also allows you to enhance your mood.

    Shiny and beautiful. Bob wigs are shiny and beautiful in any situation. Several inches (8 inches to 14 inches) can be chosen. Just follow your fashion steps. No tangles, no hair loss, no short hair. Smooth from head to tail. You can dye it any color or perm it to your liking.

    Easy to maintain. bob wigs are easy to maintain. It would be best to wash them regularly to avoid getting greasy and dirty.

    Good texture. With healthy human hair, a medium parted bob wig is quite submissive and shiny. 130% density makes it full and attractive. It is easy to install and care for everyday life, whether loose or braided.

    Confidence These high-quality short wavy lace wigs can appear as high as your natural hair and help retain a lot of the confidence lost when first encountering hair-related problems. They are perfect for everyone who wants to avoid the worry of maintaining their natural hair.

    Easy to style. These high-quality short human hair wigs naturally style and brush. They are straightforward to brush and style your hair to get the desired look. With this feature, you don't need to worry about your hair looking sloppy in the back as you put it on a mannequin and then on your head. By doing so, you will be confident that every hair is in the right place.

    Haircuts. With this feature, you can save money on haircuts. In the long run, a permanent bob wig wearer will save a lot of money on haircutting and styling sessions at the salon.

      3 Why choose bob wig?

      Trend. Many celebrities wear Bob wigs on the red carpet or on TV shows, making them look competent, capable, and stylish. Bob wigs have always been popular. Whether you are a regular person or a celebrity, no matter how old or young you are, you will want to have a bob wig. Despite the many new trends, bob wigs have always had a place in the fashion world.

      Save money. Bob wigs are a great option if you don't have the budget for them. We all know that bob wigs are short-sized wigs. The longer the hair length, the higher the price, so buying a bob wig will be more affordable than other people's hair lace wigs. Also, the shorter the hair of the wig, the less shampoo and conditioner it will require, so choosing a bobblehead wig will save you money.

      Less maintenance. If you need a lot of time at work or taking care of your family, you may not have enough time to spend on hair care. Now with Bob wigs, the hair maintenance time will be greatly reduced. Bob wigs take a fraction of the time to dry and style, and you will have more time to do other things.

      Pleasing to the eye. The hair on either side of the bob wig falls naturally on either side of the face, accentuating facial features and flattering the face shape.

      Variety of styles. Bob wigs are much more fashionable hairstyles for hot summer days. Modern bob wigs work well for every "bob wig style" you can think of. Bob wigs can be straight, curly, body wavy, or curly hair.

      Perfect for summer. Even if you like long hair to stay cool in the summer and avoid sticking to your back after sweating outdoors, you may want to opt for a shorter hairstyle or have a bob wig on hand, just in case.

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        4 Summary

        If you want to know how your short hair looks but don't want to cut your natural hair, a Bob wig is the perfect solution. Bob wigs can be curly, straight, ombre, or highlighted. It is not only a fully matching hairstyle but also a versatile style, a minimal care style.

        We offer a variety of bob styles for all ages, such as lace closure bob wig, lace part bob wig and lace front bob wig, all designed to fit comfortably, and you provide a natural, relaxed look. Especially since our store is now celebrating its fifth anniversary with unprecedented discounts, feel free to place your order.

        5 Feedback

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